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CFA Society Austria autumn conference 2019

  • Ritz Carlton Schubertring 5-7 Vienna Austria (map)

CFA Society Austria invites you to its autumn conference on October 7th

Integrity in Financial Markets – Still not a Given?

The global financial crisis of 2008 stemmed, in large part, from unethical behavior and acts by those in the financial industry. Whether driven by greed or simple lack of knowledge or awareness of industry ethical standards, the outcome was the same: the financial face of the world was changed forever. In the aftermath of this crisis, regulators set about trying to rebuild banks and get markets back to working efficiently. However, despite the best efforts of all concerned, the biggest challenge they faced was to restore trust, as the financial industry seems to be more prone to ethical lapses than other business sectors.

Ethics are important to any business, creating trust and customer confidence. Ethics matter first because whether it is a huge transaction like the one above or the retail deposit, ethics create trust, and without trust finance congeals in the arteries of the economy, and there is collapse.CFA Institute believes that the investment industry should work for the ultimate benefit of society, and that cannot be achieved without the highest possible standards and ethics. This year’s autumn conference will bring together key-note speeches looking on best practices and recent scandals from different angles. We are delighted to host industry experts, compliance heads and journalists as speakers and panellists.

  • Key Note:  Michael McMillan, CFA, Director of Ethics Education, CFA Institute

  • Priv.-Doz. Dr. Martin Oppitz, lawyer and author, a2o legal

  • Panel Discussion with experts and journalists – moderated by Lukas Sustala, Agenda Austria

Please find the detailed program here.

You are invited to register already now by using this link: https://cfaaustria-automn-conference-2019.eventbrite.co.uk