A Member of the CFA Institute Global Network of Societies


3:30 PM15:30

CFA Society Austria Prize & CFA Research Challenge

  • University of Applied Sciences BFI Wien Ges.m.b.H. (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year again, the official awarding of the best 3 academic theses will take place together with the final presentations of the CFA Research Challenge 2024/25. Together with all CFA Society Prize participants, the participating professors, members of the CFA Society Austria Prize Committee and the participating Research Challenge students, we would like to express a very warm welcome to you.

Explanation: The CFA Research Challenge is a worldwide competition organised by the CFA Institute between teams of students who prepare an analyst report on a listed company and present it to a jury of experts. The winning team of the Austrian competition will also represent CFA Society Austria at the European final.

Friday, February 28th, 2025

University of Applied Sciences BFI Wien Ges.m.b.H.
Wohlmutstraße 22, A-1020 Vienna

Timetable: *
15:30 Arrival of the guests
16:00 Introduction CFA Society Austria & Institute
16:30 Presentations Research Challenge
18:20 Award ceremony CFA Society Austria Prize
18:35 Award ceremony Research Challenge

Followed by standing buffet

*All times are approximate and may change!

Afterwards, we would like to invite you to a standing buffet on the premises of the University of Applied Sciences.

We look forward to welcoming you on February 28th to experience an exciting award ceremony and a pleasant evening together with you.

Please register by Friday, February 21st, 2025 at kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.

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CFA Society Austria - Finance city tour and wine tasting
5:30 PM17:30

CFA Society Austria - Finance city tour and wine tasting

  • Wipplingerstraße 35 1010 Wien Österreich (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Following the great feedback and the massive overbooking of our previous two city walking tours discovering historical financial buildings in Vienna followed by wine tasting last June, we are delighted to offer you a new date for this tour, April 24st.

This will be the same program as the two tours offered in 2024 and is only for those who have not participated then. We are also working on a different tour which will take place on May 7. You will receive the invitation in due course.

Programme April 24:

17:30-18:30 City tour of the history and architecture of financial buildings/places in the 1st district that once or still have an importance for the Austrian financial industry. The tour will be guided by “Wien mal anders” in English.

18:30-19:30 Wine tasting of 3 local wines and finger food in the exclusively open wine cellar in the 1st district.

Meeting Point:

17:30 Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna (in front of the House of the European Union)
We will end at around 19:30 at Ertlgasse 4, 1010 Vienna (2 min. walk from Stephansplatz) 


Please be aware that capacity for this event is limited to 25 participants, tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis (participants in the June tour are not allowed to participate again). Please register by sending an email to Kathrin.Schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org You will receive a confirmation from our side. Please inform us if you cannot participate in advance at least 3 business days before the event.

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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Wings for Life World Run 4. Mai
1:00 PM13:00

Wings for Life World Run 4. Mai

Die CFA Society Austria setzt die Tradition fort und ist auch am 4. Mai
2025 wieder beim Wings for Life World Run dabei!

Alle Informationen zu der Veranstaltung findet ihr unter
Der Wings for Life Run ist ein besonderer Event: Es gibt keine
vorgegebene Distanz, sondern alle laufen eine vorgegebene Strecke, bis
das „Catcher Car“, das 30 Minuten nach den TeilnehmerInnen startet, sie
eingeholt hat. 100% der Startgelder kommen der Rückenmarksforschung zu Gute.

Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:

„Beim Wings for Life World Run ist so ziemlich alles anders, als du es
von anderen Läufen kennst. Zum einen fällt der Startschuss weltweit für
alle zur selben Zeit. Und zwar genau um 11 Uhr UTC. Das heißt:
Teilnehmer starten in England um 12 Uhr, in Deutschland um 13 Uhr und so
weiter... Es gibt keine Ziellinie. Dafür ein (virtuelles) Catcher Car.
Es nimmt 30 Minuten nach dem Start die Verfolgung auf und überholt die
Teilnehmer nach und nach. Gemütliche Läufer werden so beispielsweise bei
Kilometer 5 überholt, Spitzensportler schwitzen schon mal bis Kilometer
60. Du hast schon ein Ziel? Der Goal Calculator hilft dir bei der
Berechnung deiner benötigten Geschwindigkeit. Dein Ergebnis richtet sich
nicht nach der gelaufenen Zeit, sondern nach der zurückgelegten Distanz.“

Die Eckdaten:

Wir starten unter dem gemeinsamen Teamnamen "CFA Society Austria".
Unserem Team könnt ihr euch unter dem folgenden Link anschließen:


CFA Austria unterstützt euch dabei mit:

        - Übernahme der Startgebühr
        - Lauf-Shirt
        - Kleiner Zielevent

Bitte füllt dazu das verlinkte Excel-Sheet aus schickt es an und an

Die Anmeldung zum Lauf nimmt jeder individuell vor. Bitte denkt dabei
auch daran, euch dem Team "CFA Society Austria" anzuschließen.
Meldet euch auch für den Lauf rechtzeitig an – der Lauf war in der
Vergangenheit immer wieder frühzeitig ausgebucht.

Die Refundierung der Nenngebühr erfolgt nach dem Lauf unter Nachweis der
Teilnahme unter dem Namen CFA Society Austria.

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12:30 PM12:30

CFA Society Austria Prize Winner Alexander Fischer Live Presentation

We are delighted to invite you to a live presentation by CFA Society Prize Winner (1st Prize) Alexander Fischer of his Master´s Thesis: 
"Market Performance Impact of ESG Disclosure and Performance Scores! Evidence from Europe".

Drinks & snacks will be provided.

Registration by email:  Kathrin.Schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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CFA Society Austria - Silvesterlauf
11:00 AM11:00

CFA Society Austria - Silvesterlauf

  • Ringstraße Höhe Universität (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Nach dem bedauerlichen Ausfall Wachau Marathons läuft CFA Society
Austria läuft zu Silvester wieder! Gemeinsam wollen wir
das Jahr aktiv beim Wiener Silvesterlauf des LCC Wien ausklingen lassen.
Alle Jahre wieder nehmen Jung und Alt, Spitzenathleten und Hobbyläufer
aus aller Welt mit großer Begeisterung teil. Viele Teilnehmer sind
Die kurze Strecke und lange Dauer der Ringsperre ermöglicht natürlich
auch Walkern an diesem Vergnügen teilzunehmen. Da der
Lauf bereits um 11:00 Uhr stattfindet, bleibt noch genug Zeit um sich
nach dieser sportlichen Betätigung auszuruhen um dann noch ausgiebig den
Jahreswechsel zu feiern.

Alle Informationen zu der Veranstaltung findet ihr unter auf der
Veranstalterseite des LCC Wien:

Die Eckdaten:

Termin und Ort: 31.12.2024, Start 11:00, Ringstraße Höhe Universität
Wien, 1010 Wien, Universitätsring 1
Distanz und Strecke: 5,325km - einmal rund um den Ring (Uhrzeigersinn)

CFA Society Austria unterstützt euch dabei mit Übernahme der bis zum
30.11.2024 gültigen Startgebühr (EUR 34). Die Anmeldung beim
Veranstalter auf https://www.pentek-payment.at/ppay.php?p=1552
nimmt jeder individuell vor. Bitte vergesst dabei nicht, als Vereinsname
"CFA Society Austria" anzugeben. Eine nachträgliche Änderung/Ergänzung
ist jedoch auch möglich.

Nach dem Lauf treffen wir uns zu einer kleinen Beisammensein um bei
Snacks zu plaudern.

Bitte füllt dazu das angehängte Excel-Sheet aus schickt es an und an

Die Refundierung der Nenngebühr erfolgt nach dem Lauf unter Nachweis der
Teilnahme unter dem Namen CFA Society Austria.

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8:30 AM08:30

Smart Vienna Conference

CFA Society Austria is pleased to invite you to the Smart Vienna, the annual value investing conference, on December 6.

We can offer 6 free tickets for members of CFA Society Austria. These tickets will be issued on a first-come first-serve basis by sending an email to kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.

For those not able to secure a free ticket, there are tickets at reduced prices for members available on the smart Vienna webpage.

Please refer to https://smartvienna.at/programme for more details.

The purpose of Smart Vienna is to exchange ideas about value investing among financial professionals in an open and inspiring environment. Together with leading speakers from the world of value investing, the attendees will experience in-depth views as well as concrete investing ideas. The conference furthermore provides excellent networking opportunities. An intensive networking program enables direct contact with all speakers.

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CFA Society Austria Christmas Market Get-Together
6:30 PM18:30

CFA Society Austria Christmas Market Get-Together

  • Weihnachtsmärkte Schloss Belvedere (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We would like to invite you to a Christmas Market Get-Together on December 5 at the Christmas market at Schloss Belvedere.

  • Timing: 5th December 2024 (Thursday) 18:30 - 20:00

  • Meeting Point: Looking at the Schloss Belvedere, we will meet in the middle (cf. plan below) close to the stand “Riesenkrapfen + Lillet Punsch & Glühwein”

  • Address:  Weihnachtsmärkte Schloss Belvedere, Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Wien https://www.weihnachtsdorf.at/

Upon your arrival you will receive a voucher for 2 drinks that you can redeem at the mentioned stand at the Christmas market. Please note that the cash deposit for cups is not included in the voucher.

Please register by sending an email to kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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12:30 PM12:30

CFA Society Austria Live Presentation: Prize Winner Maximilian Lahrmann "Validity of Wikofolio Rankings"

We are delighted to invite you to a live presentation by CFA Society Prize Winner Maximilian Lahrmann of his Bachelor´s Thesis: "Validity of Wikifolio Rankings"

Drinks & snacks will be provided.

Registration by email: kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

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5:30 PM17:30

CFA Austria Charter Recognition Dinner 2024

We are delighted to invite you to the 2024 edition of our annual charter recognition dinner on November 14.

In our search to invite you every year to a different event location, we have selected this year the Hotel Novotel Wien Hauptbahnhof, a modern and stylish venue, quite a contrast to last year’s traditional atmosphere. We are convinced you will like it.

The prestigious annual CFA charter dinner represents the most important get-together for our society members.

We would like to welcome our new members and celebrate their achievements.

It also represents a great opportunity for existing members to reconnect in person.

Where and when:

14 November 2024
17:30 Registration
18:30 Start official program followed by dinner

To register please send an email to kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.

We will also reach out separately to all new charterholders.

The board of CFA Society Austria is very much looking forward to welcoming you on Nov 14.

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12:30 PM12:30

CFA Society Austria Live Event Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2024

We are delighted to invite you to a presentation on the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2024 by Michaela Plank, Managing Director Mercer Austria and Gerhard Navara, Pensions Expert,  Mercer Austria.

The presentation will include a detailed explanation of the pension index and the parameters and the status of Austria compared to its global peers. 

Food & Drinks included

Live event with 1 PD / MIFID Credit

To register please email:  Kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

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12:30 PM12:30

Members for Members Event: „Österreichische Pensions- und Vorsorgekassen: Rahmenbedingungen und Funktionsweise“

We are happy to invite you to a Members-for-Members event on a topic that effects most of us directly—the framework and function of Austrian severance pay (“Vorsorgekassen”) and pension plans (“Pensionskassen”).

Our member Claudio Gligo, CFA , Head of Asset Management, CIO of the Bonus Pensionskassen AG has agreed to present:

„Österreichische Pensions- und Vorsorgekassen: Rahmenbedingungen und Funktionsweise“

Food & Drinks included

Live event with 1 PD / MIFID Credit

To register please email:  Kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

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Einladung zum Klima(lösungs-) simulationsspiel  En-ROADS
4:00 PM16:00

Einladung zum Klima(lösungs-) simulationsspiel En-ROADS

Alexandra Bolena und Friedhelm Boschert, beide En-ROADS Ambassadors, freuen sich, mit der CFA Society Austria auf einen interaktiven Nachmittag mit spannenden Erkenntnissen rund um das Thema „Wirksamkeit von klimarelevante Maßnahmen“.

En-ROADS, ein vom MIT Sloan entwickeltes Climate Action Simulation Game, ist ein hochgradig wissenschaftsbasiertes interaktives Rollenspiel. Das Simulationsmodell wird international von Unternehmen, Banken und Regierungen genutzt, um wichtige technologische und politische Lösungsmaßnahmen für den Umgang mit der globalen Erwärmung „zu testen“. 

Wie funktioniert es? Auf einem simuliertem UN-Notfall-Klimagipfel organisieren sich die Teilnehmer in Teams und schlüpfen in Rollen verschiedener Stakeholder wie Klimaaktivisten, Emerging Markets, traditionelle Energieanbieter, Handel & Industrie, etc. Dann werden 19 im En-ROADS System zur Auswahl stehende Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der Erderwärmung „verhandelt“. Das Ergebnis dieser Verhandlungen bzw. die Auswirkungen der Maßnahmen auf das Klima bis ins Jahr 2100 (und die damit zusammenhängenden Implikationen) können dann live am Schirm – auch in ihren Wechselwirkungen – verfolgt werden. Ziel ist es, Verständnis für unterschiedliche klimarelevante Maßnahmen zu schaffen und deren potentielle Wirkung zu verstehen.

Wann und wo?
23. Oktober 16-20 Uhr mit anschließendem Dinner Buffet
Hotel Ritz-Carlton, Schubertring 5-7, 1010

(Bitte beachtet, dass das Event in deutscher Sprache abgehalten wird.)

 Anmeldung bitte per Email an Kathrin.Schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.

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Finance city tour and wine tasting
5:30 PM17:30

Finance city tour and wine tasting

  • Wipplingerstraße 35 Wien, Wien, 1010 Österreich (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Following the great feedback and the massive overbooking of our City walking tour discovering historical financial buildings in Vienna followed by wine tasting last June, we are delighted to offer you a new date for this tour, October 21st.


17:30-18:30 City tour of the history and architecture of financial buildings/places in the 1st district that once or still have an importance for the Austrian financial industry. The tour will be guided by “Wien mal anders” in English.

18:30-19:30 Wine tasting of 3 local wines and finger food in the exclusively open wine cellar in the 1st district. 

Meeting Point: 

17:30 Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna (in front of the House of the European Union)
We will end at around 19:30 at Ertlgasse 4, 1010 Vienna (2 min. walk from Stephansplatz) 


Please be aware that capacity for this event is limited to 25 participants, tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis (participants in the June tour are not allowed to participate again). Please register by sending an email to Kathrin.Schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org You will receive a confirmation from our side. Please inform us if you cannot participate in advance at least 3 business days before the event.

We are looking forward to suggestions to seeing you!

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CFA Society Austria @ Wachau Marathon
10:00 AM10:00

CFA Society Austria @ Wachau Marathon

Liebe CFA Society Austria Mitglieder,

CFA Society Austria startet wieder beim Wachau Marathon!

Die Wachau bietet einen schnellen Punkt-zu-Punkt Kurs durch eine
wunderschöne Landschaft und Bewerbe über verschiedene Distanzen. Termin
ist der 16. September 2024.

Alle Informationen zu der Veranstaltung findet ihr unter

Die Eckdaten:

Wir starten - je nach Präferenz und Fitness - bei verschiedenen Bewerben
unter dem gemeinsamen Teamnamen "CFA Society Austria".

Zur Wahl stehen folgende Bewerbe/Distanzen:

  • Marathon (42,195 km)

  • Halbmarathon (21,0975 km)

  • Viertelmarathon (11 km) bzw. Teambewerb (4 Teilnehmer*innen laufen
    die Viertelmarathonstrecke, Details unter

  • Marathonstaffel (2er, 3er oder 4er, Details unter

    CFA Austria unterstützt euch dabei mit

    - Übernahme der bis zum 04.09. aktuellen gültigen Startgebühr
    (Marathon EUR 110 / Halbmarathon EUR 75 / Viertelmarathon EUR 60 /
    Teambewerb EUR 180 / Staffelmarathon EUR 140)
    -    Lauf-Shirt
    -    Kleiner Zielevent

    Alles, was ihr vorerst dazu machen müsst ist, das per Mail versendete Excel auszufüllen.
    Die Anmeldung beim Veranstalter nimmt anschließend jeder individuell
    vor. Bitte vergesst dabei nicht, als Vereinsname "CFA Society Austria"
    anzugeben. Eine nachträgliche Änderung/Ergänzung ist jedoch auch möglich.

    Deadline für unsere interne Anmeldung ist für diejenigen, die ein
    CFA-Shirt benötigen und noch keines haben, Dienstag 30. Juli.

    Die Refundierung der Nenngebühr erfolgt nach dem Lauf unter Nachweis der
    Teilnahme unter dem Namen CFA Society Austria.

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11:45 AM11:45

CFA Society Austria Live Event: Professor Dr. Andreas Dombret

Dear members of CFA Society Austria,

We are delighted to welcome you to another presentation focused on geopolitics.

On June 17 Professor Dr. Andreas Raymond Dombret will share his valuable insights under the title “Die drei "I" - Invasion, Inflation und Interest Rates” with you.

Professor Dr. Andreas Raymond Dombret is German-American banker who served as member of the executive board of the Deutsche Bundesbank from 2010 until 2018. In that capacity, he held responsibility for Banking and Financial Supervision, Risk Controlling and the Bundesbank's Representative Offices abroad.

Earlier in his career, Dombret was the vice-chairman of Bank of America Global Investment Banking in Europe, the Middle East and Africa as well as head of the German, Austrian and Swiss branches. He holds dual German and American citizenship.

Professor Dr. Dombret presented at the Institutional Money Congress in Frankfurt in April at the invitation of our friends from CFA Society Germany.

We are delighted to be able to host him in Vienna. Please refer to the summary of his presentation: https://www.institutional-money.com/kongress/kongress-news/headline/ex-bundesbanker-dombret-inflation-ist-kein-abstraktes-lehrbuchthema-232048

Kindly note that the presentation will be in held in German.

Welcome 11:45-12:00

Presentation 12:00 – 13:00

Thereafter lunch

Please use the opportunity to meet Professor Dr. Dombret and register by email with kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.

Should your plans change after registering, please cancel one week in advance.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

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Members Day 2024
5:00 PM17:00

Members Day 2024

Dear CFA Society Austria Members, 

the board of CFA Society is looking forward to welcoming you to our annual Members Day on June 12.

The Members Day represents a great opportunity for members to connect with each other and get an update and outlook by the board members and volunteers on our recent and future activities. We also welcome any feedback, suggestions and ideas for future events and projects.

When: June 12, 2024 after-work

We would like to welcome everyone with drinks starting at 5 p.m.

From 6-7 p.m. board members and volunteers will present:

  1. Review & Outlook

  2. Fiscal year 2023/24 und budget 2024/2025

  3. Update by the volunteers committees

This will be followed by drinks and dinner.

Please register by email with kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org. Should your plans change after registering, please cancel one week in advance.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

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Members for Members:  ESG Case Study by Gabriel Thoumi
12:30 PM12:30

Members for Members: ESG Case Study by Gabriel Thoumi

We are happy to invite you to join an informal presentation reviewing specific aspects of equity and fixed income ESG integration with Gabriel Thoumi, CFA, FRM.

Mr Thoumi is a former climate, sustainability, and ESG research manager with 18 years’ experience who previously supported 41 equity and fixed income mutual funds. He has also taught ESG integration as a Lecturer at Johns Hopkins University for 9 years.

Mr Thoumi will lead a group discussion assessing four companies: an energy trader, a raw materials company, and two utilities.

Topics covered include:

  • Financial accounting into ESG integration.

  • Comparisons between sustainability reports and ESG data vs regulatory reporting.

  • Forecasts off-balance sheet liabilities into financial liabilities.

Materials will be distributed ahead of the presentation for attendees consideration.

We look forward to your RSVP and attending this exciting and intellectually rigorous conversation.

Food & Drinks included

Live event with 1 PD / MIFID Credit

Please register at kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

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Finance city tour and wine tasting
6:00 PM18:00

Finance city tour and wine tasting

  • 35 Wipplingerstraße Wien, Wien, 1010 Österreich (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As part of our cultural initiative, we are pleased to invite you to City walking tour discovering historical financial buildings in Vienna followed by wine tasting.


18-19:00 City tour of the history and architecture of financial buildings/places in the 1st district that once or still have an importance for the Austrian financial industry. The tour will be guided by “Wien mal anders” in English.

19-20:00 Wine tasting of 3 local wines and finger food in the exclusively open wine cellar in the 1st district.


Meeting Point: 

18:00 Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna (in front of the House of the European Union)
We will end at around 20:00 at Ertlgasse 4, 1010 Vienna (2 min. walk from Stephansplatz)



Please be aware that capacity for this event is limited to 25 participants, tickets will be allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please register by sending an email to Kathrin.Schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org You will receive a confirmation from our side. Please inform us if you cannot participate in advance at least 3 business days before the event.

Bildquelle: Von Peter Gugerell - Eigenes Werk, Gemeinfrei, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10904443

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6:00 PM18:00

"US elections – what will drive the markets?” - Elliot Hentov, SSGA Head of Macro Policy Research - CFA Society Austria Live Event

Dear members of CFA Society Austria,

We are delighted to welcome you to a presentation by Elias Hentov, Head of Macro Policy Research at State Street Global Advisors, with the title “US elections – what will drive the markets?” on June 3.

Elliot Hentov , Ph.D.

Head of Macro Policy Research
State Street Global Advisors

Elliot Hentov is the Head of Macro Policy Research. In this capacity, he is responsible for research and thought leadership linking policy impulses to financial markets and economics, as well as serving as the company's chief geopolitical strategist.

He joined State Street from Standard & Poor's sovereign ratings group where he was a Director and lead analyst for sovereigns and government-related entities in Central, Eastern and Mediterranean Europe. Before that, Elliot served as a political affairs officer at the United Nations headquarters in New York, advising senior officials on political and economic issues in the Middle East and Europe.

Elliot holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University as well as a Master's degree in international affairs from Georgetown University and has authored op-eds in the Financial Times, New York Times, Business Times, Foreign Policy, among others. He is also a member of the Advisory Board of the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum in London as well as a Non-Resident Fellow at the Middle East Institute in Washington, DC.

Where:  Hotel Ritz-Carlton
Schubertring 5-7, 1010 Wien

When: June 3, 2024 after-work

  • Welcome and dinner 6-7 p.m.

  • Presentation 7-8 p.m.

  • Thereafter drinks

Please register by email with Kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.  Should your plans change after registering, please cancel one week in advance.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone!

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Wings for Life Run
1:00 PM13:00

Wings for Life Run

Die CFA Society Austria setzt die Tradition fort und ist auch am 5. Mai
2024 wieder beim Wings for Life World Run dabei!

Alle Informationen zu der Veranstaltung findet ihr unter
Der Wings for Life Run ist ein besonderer Event: Es gibt keine
vorgegebene Distanz, sondern alle laufen eine vorgegebene Strecke, bis
das „Catcher Car“, das 30 Minuten nach den TeilnehmerInnen startet, sie
eingeholt hat. 100% der Startgelder kommen der Rückenmarksforschung zu Gute.

Aus dem Ausschreibungstext:

„Beim Wings for Life World Run ist so ziemlich alles anders, als du es
von anderen Läufen kennst. Zum einen fällt der Startschuss weltweit für
alle zur selben Zeit. Und zwar genau um 11 Uhr UTC. Das heißt:
Teilnehmer starten in England um 12 Uhr, in Deutschland um 13 Uhr und so
weiter... Es gibt keine Ziellinie. Dafür ein (virtuelles) Catcher Car.
Es nimmt 30 Minuten nach dem Start die Verfolgung auf und überholt die
Teilnehmer nach und nach. Gemütliche Läufer werden so beispielsweise bei
Kilometer 5 überholt, Spitzensportler schwitzen schon mal bis Kilometer
60. Du hast schon ein Ziel? Der Goal Calculator hilft dir bei der
Berechnung deiner benötigten Geschwindigkeit. Dein Ergebnis richtet sich
nicht nach der gelaufenen Zeit, sondern nach der zurückgelegten Distanz.“

Die Eckdaten:

Wir starten unter dem gemeinsamen Teamnamen "CFA Society Austria".
Unserem Team könnt ihr euch unter dem folgenden Link anschließen:


CFA Austria unterstützt euch dabei mit:

       Übernahme der Startgebühr
       Kleiner Zielevent

Die Anmeldung zum Lauf nimmt jeder individuell vor. Bitte denkt dabei
auch daran, euch dem Team "CFA Society Austria" anzuschließen.
Meldet euch auch für den Lauf rechtzeitig an – der Lauf war in der
Vergangenheit immer wieder frühzeitig ausgebucht.

Die Refundierung der Nenngebühr erfolgt nach dem Lauf unter Nachweis der
Teilnahme unter dem Namen CFA Society Austria.

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12:30 PM12:30

Potenzial und Gefahren des Kapitalismus - CFA Society Austria Live Event

  • Café Diglas im Schottenstift, Salon 1 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Together with our partners from Finders & Company, we are delighted to invite you to the presentation and discussion:


Welche Rolle spielen Eigenverantwortung und Empathie (in der Investment-Branche)

Special Guest & Keynoter: Franz Schellhorn (Agenda Austria)

Um verbindliche Anmeldung bis 12.4.2024 wird gebeten (markus.poscher@cfaaustria.org)).

Eine kurze Vorstellung unseres Partners Finders & Company:

2022 haben Michael Schaumann, Robert Gulla und Joseph Kap-herr (GF) eine Headhunting Boutique für Young Professionals gegründet.

Wir sprechen Talents pro-aktiv an, bereits bevor wir ein Mandat erhalten. So garantieren wir eine umfassende Einschätzung unserer Kandidaten.

Aus dieser pro-aktiven Netzwerk-Arbeit erhalten wir Empfehlungen in höchster Qualität, die nach einer Validierung und mehreren persönlichen Gesprächen zur Besetzung führen.

Wir arbeiten vorrangig analog (entgegen des Linkedin-Recruiting Ansatzes) und legen besonderes Augenmerk auf den "cultural fit".

Das garantieren wir auch für die Monate nach der Besetzung.

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9:00 AM09:00

Ned Davis Research - Global Market Outlook

  • kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are delighted to invite you to a live event on April 23:

Joe Kalish – Chief Global Macro Strategist – Ned Davis Research

  • The outlook for the economy and inflation

  • What’s happened to financial markets around first rate cuts

  • How regime analysis can be used for asset allocation and selection

  • The outlook for rates, curve and credit

  • The outlook for equities

  • Best macro opportunities

  • Biggest macro risks

Image: Ned Davis Research


When: Tuesday April 23, 9-10am, welcome from 8:45 on

Where: Invesco Asset Management Austria Office, Rotenturmstrasse 16-18, 1010 Vienna, 3rd floor

Please register by sending an e-mail to kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org by April 12, 2024.

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2024: Turnaround or continuation of price declines on the Austrian residential real estate market?
12:30 PM12:30

2024: Turnaround or continuation of price declines on the Austrian residential real estate market?

Despite the fastest rate hiking cycle in ECB history and regulatory headwind, Austrian housing prices exhibited only a surprisingly moderate price decline in 2023. Is this already the end of the real estate correction, or is the worst yet to come?

Matthias Reith, CEFA, CIIA
Senior Economist, RBI Research

The Austrian real estate market has been in the longest uninterrupted upturn globally of over 17 years. Now with higher interest rates and price having decreased the affordability of real estate purchases, how will real estate prices develop moving forward?

Food & Drinks included

Live event with 1 PD / MIFID Credit

Please register at kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

You can download the slide deck of the event here.


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6:30 PM18:30

Krypto Kameel: Berthold Baurek-Karlic


We would like to invite you to this year's first Krypto Kameel event, once again in collaboration with Blackmanta Capital Partners.

This time's special guests are Berthold Baurek-Karlic, Founder and CEO of Venionaire Capital AG and fund manager of Austria's first crypto hedge fund, and Thomas Jeegers, CFA, FRM.

  • Berthold Baurek-Karlic, CEO of Venionaire Capital AG, specializes in Venture Capital and Private Equity. He founded the Business Angel Institute and the European Super Angels Club, chairs the supervisory board of Blockpit AG, and initiated the World Venture Forum. Awarded Austrian Business Angel of the Year 2023, he's a serial entrepreneur with diverse roles in various portfolio companies.

  • Thomas Jeegers, author of "Understanding Crypto Fundamentals" (June 2023, Springer Nature), holds master's degrees in economics and computer science from the Catholic University of Louvain and Maastricht University, plus an MBA from INSEAD. Specializing in financial risk management, he's certified as a CFA and FRM, with blockchain certifications from INSEAD and Oxford University.

This edition will revolve around the topics of Understanding Crypto Fundamentals and Austria's only Crypto Hedge Fund.

Join us for a concise overview with Thomas Jeegers, author of "Understanding Crypto Fundamentals", as he delves into the core principles of Bitcoin. Following that, Berthold Baurek-Karlic will discuss the 2024 crypto spring, leading web3 infrastructure plays, and insights into Tigris Web3's remarkable performance. Explore the future of Web3 and Venionaire Capital's projections for another bitcoin all-time high in 2024.

Please register using this link


 by Friday, 7 March, to be there when Vienna meets Blockchain.

If you register and unfortunately cannot make it, please email events@kryptokameel.com in time to let us know or simply cancel your reservation on Eventbrite. 

Hosted by

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3:30 PM15:30

CFA Society Austria Prize & CFA Research Challenge 2024

  • University of Applied Sciences BFI Wien (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year again, the official awarding of the best 3 academic theses will take place together with the final presentations of the CFA Research Challenge 2023/24. Together with all CFA Society Prize participants, the participating professors, members of the CFA Society Austria Prize Committee and the participating Research Challenge students, we would like to express a very warm welcome to you.

Explanation: The CFA Research Challenge is a worldwide competition organised by the CFA Institute between teams of students who prepare an analyst report on a listed company and present it to a jury of experts. The winning team of the Austrian competition will also represent CFA Society Austria at the European final.

15:30 Arrival of the guests
16:00 Introduction CFA Society Austria & Institute
16:15 Presentations Research Challenge
18:45 Award ceremony CFA Society Austria Prize
19:00 Award ceremony Research Challenge
Followed by standing buffet
*All times are approximate and may change!

Afterwards, we would like to invite you to a standing buffet on the premises of the University of Applied Sciences.

We look forward to welcoming you on March 1st to experience an exciting award ceremony and a pleasant evening together with you. 

Please register by Friday, February 23rd 2024 at kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org.

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Save the date: Sustainable Finance - Impact Investing bewirkt Veränderung
9:00 AM09:00

Save the date: Sustainable Finance - Impact Investing bewirkt Veränderung

Im ESG Bereich, vor allem hinsichtlich ökologischer und sozialer Themen, gibt es Investmentchancen, die dazu beitragen, die die Welt zum Besseren zu verändern.

Dragonfly Finance und CFA Society Austria laden Sie recht herzlich zu einem interessanten Nachmittag über eines der spannendsten Themen unserer Zeit ein.

09.00 Welcome Coffee und Registrierung

09.30 - 9.35 Opening von Susanne Lederer-Pabst, Dragony Finance & Harald Holzer, CFA Society Austria

10.00 – 10.25 Philipp Gaggl, PwC, Director ESG & Sustainability Consulting ESG & Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement - Umsetzung in der Industrie

10.25 – 10.50 Witold Bahrke, Global Evolution Inv. Management, Macro & Allocation Strategist Schwellenländeranleihen im Zeichen der Zinswende: Ausblick 2024

10.50 – 11.15 Edward Soekamto, Global Evolution Inv. Management, PM Emerging Market Corporate Debt Emerging Markets Corporate Debt oering enhanced yield and access to growth, related to the green transition

11.15 – 11.30 Coffee Break

11.30 – 11.55 Lukas Feiner, Metis Invest, Geschäftsführer
Euro Unternehmensanleihen haben 2023 mit starken Erträgen geglänzt. Wie geht es weiter mit dieser Asset Klasse?

11.55 – 12.20 Bernhard Tollay, Metis Invest, Geschäftsführer
Strategie in Zeiten hoher Volatilitäten auf den Zinsmärkten

12.20 – 12.30 Q & A and Closing remarks by the Organizer
12.30 Get together with Lunchbuffet

Akkreditierung: 3 Std. MiFID II, 2 Std. Wissensvertiefung Sustainable Finance, 1 Std. Recht der Wertpapiervermittlung & Wertpapiere: www.diebildungsstelle.at

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6:30 PM18:30

CFA Society Austria Event: Showroom Thonet / One for One Hundred

  • Wipplingerstraße 25 (enter through `Die Cafétiere´) 1010 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are delighted to invite you to a social event with cultural content in the showroom of Thonet and One for One Hundred at our first get-together in 2024!

The owners of both companies, Percy Thonet & Anna Prinzhorn, will introduce their companies’ histories in the showroom as well as the showroom concept.

Food & Drinks included.

Please register by email at: kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

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Christmas Market Get-Together
6:30 PM18:30

Christmas Market Get-Together

We would like to invite you to our last event of the year, a Christmas Market Get-Together on December 14 at the Belvedere.

Social events including a Christmas market visit ranked high in the survey many of you responded to. We will organize more of those events in the future, this get-together before Christmas will feature as the first event in this regard.

Meeting Point: Looking at the Schloss Belvedere, we will meet at the stairs in the middle

Address: Weihnachtsmärkte Schloss Belvedere, Prinz Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Wien https://www.weihnachtsdorf.at/schloss-belvedere/

How to get there:

Underground: U1 Südtiroler Platz/Hauptbahnhof, then tram 18/O exit Quartier Belvedere

Tram: D: exit Schloss Belvedere 18/O: exit Quartier Belvedere

Bus: 69A: exit Quartier Belvedere

Please let us know if you will attend by sending a note to kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

Looking forward to seeing many of you there.

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Smart Vienna Value Conference in Cooperation with CFA Society Austria
to Dec 1

Smart Vienna Value Conference in Cooperation with CFA Society Austria

We are delighted to invite you to this year’s Smart Vienna Value Conference.

The purpose of Smart Vienna is to exchange ideas about value investing among financial professionals in an open and inspiring environment.

Together with leading speakers from the world of value investing, the attendees will experience in-depth views as well as concrete investing ideas. The conference furthermore provides excellent networking opportunities. An intensive networking program enables direct contact with all speakers.

There is a total of 15 free tickets available for our members to participate in the event (first come first serve).

Please find all the details and register on the Smart Vienna Value Conference website.

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5:00 PM17:00

Value Investing: Who, What and Why?

We invite you to the presentation “Value Investing: Who, What and Why?” by

George Athanassakos
Professor of Finance
Ben Graham Chair in Value Investing & Founder & Managing Director, Ben Graham Centre for Value Investing

Registration Starting at 5 p.m. Event at 6 p.m.

Hotel Intercontinental Wien

Recently published book: “Value Investing From Theory to Practice: A Guide to the Value Investing Process”

Book signing after presentation for all those who bring their copies.

Food & Beverages served following presentation

Please register by email with Kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

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6:00 PM18:00

Charter Recognition Dinner 2023

  • Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are delighted to inform you that the 2023 edition of our annual charter recognition dinner will take place on November 16 at the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien.

Please block this date in your diaries. We will send your the official invitation with more details regarding registration after the summer.

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5:00 PM17:00

Einführung in die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie

Professor Klausinger gibt einen Überblick über die grundlegenden Themen und Thesen der „Österreichischen Schule der Nationalökonomie“ und deren wichtigsten Vertreter (Menger, Mises, Hayek). Die Merkmale / Philosophien / grundsätzlichen Leit-Thesen werden dargelegt und dienen damit als Grundlage für das Verständnis der „Austrian School of Economics“. Die Unterschiede auf wirtschaftspolitischer Ebene zwischen den heute in der Praxis gelebten und dem von Anhängern dieser Denkrichtung empfohlenen Maßnahmen sowie die ableitbaren Empfehlungen für aktuelle Problemstellungen werden ebenso andiskutiert.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Klausinger ist ao. Professor im Ruhestand für Volkswirtschaft an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU). Sein Forschungsschwerpunkt ist die Geschichte der Wirtschaftstheorie des 20. Jahrhunderts, insbesondere der Österreichischen Schule. Darüber hinaus ist er Autor diverser Bücher, unter anderem der 2022 erschienen Biographie über Friedrich von Hayek - Hayek: A Life 1899-1950.


Einlass 17:00
Präsentation 17:30
Danach Drinks & Dinner

Anmeldungen bitte per Mail an:


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12:30 PM12:30

Mercer Global Pension Index 2023 Presentation

  • Raiffeisen Bank International (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are delighted to invite you to a presentation on the Mercer CFA Institute Global Pension Index 2023 by Michaela Plank, Managing Director, Mercer Austria and Gerhard Navara, Pensions Expert, Mercer Austria.

The presentation will include a detailed explanation of the pension index and the parameters and the status of Austria compared to its global peers.

Food & Drinks included

Live event with 1 PD / MIFID Credit

To register please email: Kathrin.schneeweiss@cfaaustria.org

We are looking forward to welcoming you!

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