A Member of the CFA Institute Global Network of Societies


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Members day 2019

  • Porta Dextra - Haas & Haas Ab Hof Vinothek Ertlgasse 4 Wien (map)

CFA Society Austria is hosting its annual meeting on May 7.

This event is set up for you as a active members to get first hand information from the board members and foster discussion and creativitiy regarding our society's future endeavours. 

The current board members will present you an update on our acitvities, our financial situation, changes with regard to the "Society 2.0" vision by CFA Institute, the upcoming board elections and much more. 

But above all, this shall be a relaxed evening among members, accompanied by some wine tasting and delicious finger food in an extraordinary setting: the old basement of Porta Dextra, Ab Hof Vinothek, in the heart of Vienna. 

Please register using the link:

18:30 Reception
19:00 Presentation by board members
19:30 Wine tasting and Buffet